Social Studies

Ancient Rome

Encyclopedia Articles:

Ancient Rome- Encyclopedia Britannica

Try using World Book Online.


The Roman Empire in the 1st Century-

Timeline Ancient Rome –

Websites selected by World Book Online:

BBC Bitesize: World History – Romans –

BBC website with information about ancient Roman roads and places

BBC History: Romans –

A BBC history website with information about ancient Rome.

Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Rome –

A history website of the Independence Hall Association, Philadelphia, PA

Challenging Places Research

Search Tips:

  1. There might be variations on the name. For example, Lut Desert, is also known as Dasht-e-Lut.
  2. Use “quotation marks” to search for the exact phrase. E.g. “Mount Merapi”

Some databases to consider:

Explora Canada

Global Issues in Context

Some Useful Websites:


Climate: CIA World Fact Book